Nestled in the serene Mantuan countryside, in the charming hamlet of Castellucchio, stands a unique, family-owned brand, Pasotti. With its roots deep in the tradition of Italian craftsmanship, Pasotti has maintained a firm foothold in the world of luxury accessories. The brand's forte lies in designing and producing exceptionally luxurious umbrellas that are distributed to aficionados around the globe, thus preserving a piece of Italian heritage.
Ever since the company was brought to life in 1956 by a valiant woman, Ernesta Pasotti, the doyen of the family business, the company's ethos has rested on a solid foundation of creativity juxtaposed with relentless research into materials. This research is dedicated exclusively to Italian resources, a testament to Pasotti’s commitment to support, uplift, and celebrate local material artists and homegrown industries.
Ernesta Pasotti began her journey in a rustic farm building, crafting beautifully alluring umbrellas. Her passion for her craft culminated in her personally selling her meticulous creations, sometimes bicycling her way across the countryside to reach potential buyers. This caliber of dedication and love for the artisan umbrella trade truly shaped the Pasotti brand.
Today, the brand is steered forward by the young and vibrant duo, Nicola and Andrea Begotti. The siblings, supported by their grandmother, father, and mother, are the faces behind the brand’s impressive expansion online, helping the company to keep pace with the digital age. Yet, despite this technological progress, the Begotti siblings pay tribute to their roots by nurturing the artisan umbrella production techniques that have been lovingly passed down from generation to generation.
The main product of Pasotti remains their line of luxury umbrellas which are the manifestation of exquisite Italian craftsmanship. Handmade with elaborate designs and featuring intricate detailing, these umbrellas are more than just a shield against rain or sun. They stand as a symbol of elegance, intricacy, and luxury.
With Pasotti, the beloved, old-world umbrella craft has been infused with a breath of contemporary style, creating luxury umbrellas that make a statement, celebrate the Italian heritage, and tell the extraordinary story of the Pasotti family.